The moment we have the courage to heal ourselves, we create a ripple effect for all family members and all the people we encounter on our life journey.

Smiling young couple making selfie photo on smartphone indoors in cafe

Most people are doing the best that they can with what they know and the resources they have available. Of course, this may leave you both out of alignment as you are two different people with two different experiences. 

There is so much we can do together to help you break free of what is holding your relationship back…

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We all know that open and honest communication is one of the cornerstones of a healthy relationship. We also know that it’s one of the toughest parts of being a couple. In fact, communication problems are the number one reason couples break up with each other.

Make NOW your moment for positive change! 

Are you wanting to improve your relationship through deeper bonds?

Is your Marriage or relationship at breaking point?

Are you at the pre-marriage stage and want it to work?

Do you have a high level of conflict in your relationship due to communication avoidance and feel drifting apart emotionally and physically?

A quick, gentle, effective alternative to getting marital advice or relationship therapy to achieve a HeARTful Transformation.

The HeARTful Transformation Process uses Family Constellations to highlight and help resolve the underlying dynamics involved in a relationship, and Intuitive Counselling to help with communication and deepening the connection. Especially if recurring patterns are re-surfacing, then it could be that one, or both partners, are involved in a systemic entanglement in their family of origin. Poor relationships often stem from poor connections with one or both parents or unfinished business with previous partners. Once this is cleared in a constellation each partner is set free to make new choices.

Services Specifically For Two; Couples, Friends or Siblings

Together we will give you and your cherished other the ability to step back onto the stage of life, fully transformed so that you can both be your greatest selves and move forward with a healthy life.

I invite you to give me a call and discuss how I can support you to bond deeper, or even grow the roots of self-love and belonging while at the same time providing you both with the trust, respect, and confidence to live as autonomous beings and thriving. 

Specialized Retreat For Two ~ Designed For You

I am an intuitive trauma transformation coach and creator of HeARTful Transformation Therapy Retreat For Two who helps couples, siblings or even friends break free from anxiety, social phobia, depression and PTSD.

Best known for my innate ability to intuitively identify the root cause of patterns keeping you stuck or in pain.

Over the past decade, countless individuals have experienced deeply transformative and long-term shifts from my integrative formula of Intuitive Coaching/Counseling combined with Expressive Arts Therapy, NLP, Systemic (Family) Constellation and EFT Meridian Tapping. I would be honoured to help you too!

My greatest passion is to see you break free from the stresses of modern-day living, in order to live your true magic, being that which you were meant to be.

A safe space filled with intuitive wisdom to quickly transform personal challenges into life-enhancing opportunities for both of you.

Fast and achievable results! Straight to the root approach to identify the deeply embedded emotional blocks that stand in the way of living a healthy and vibrant life. 


One of the biggest and most common problems we face when we reach a stalemate with our partner is that we tend to react to our disagreement with anger, sadness or fear. That’s where the winding, endless arguments begin.

EFT Tapping provides a powerful tool to save your relationship because it allows you to quell your difficult emotions so that your love can take the primary position front and centre when the so-called “battle lines” are drawn.

By using tapping to clear out the bad stuff, love can lead the way and your relationship’s magic unfolds: not only are our disagreements far less confrontational and aggravating than they used to be, they actually pull us even closer.

    • Tapping is an extraordinary tool when it comes to mending relationship troubles. It truly works miracles. You and your partner are so deserving of one, so don’t hesitate to learn this tool for your love life today!
    • Mindfulness techniques also help to shift unconscious behaviors that impact your relationships. Since many of your behaviors and responses in relationships are conditioned and habitual, shifting them in positive ways takes more than conscious effort. Mindfulness practice helps to make these shifts.

Seeking Support Takes Courage

No blame or judgment; we all have had experiences that have impacted us and misinformed us. That’s life. However, as we grow and know better, we also do better!


Unpack past baggage, discover limiting beliefs and trauma that’s not serving you, to move forward for improvement, and determine the life areas that need improvement

Benefits: get clear on understanding triggers and limiting beliefs, understanding what doesn’t serve you, to work on and who you want to be.


Assessing the areas that need improvement and taking ownership of them to move yourself forward, become empowered, know you always did the best you were capable of, become aware that failure is the fuel to success, learn that wisdom comes through understanding life backwards

Benefits: re-grow confidence, re-gain inner power, re-connect to worth.

Letting Go

Discover the emotions behind the pain, learn how to cut unhealthy cords, and disconnect your emotions from the painful event

Benefits: experience life in greater depth, live your uniqueness, feel safe, present, and trust the flow disconnect from the past, surrender to what doesn’t serve you, connect to an authentic future.

Breaking Free

Discover the emotions behind the pain, learn how to cut unhealthy cords, and disconnect your emotions from the painful event.

Benefits: experience life in greater depth, live your uniqueness, feel safe, present, and trust the flow disconnect from the past, surrender to what doesn’t serve you, connect to an authentic future.

Unlocking your potential of Self-Transformation & Developing a plan to create strategic forward momentum to reach your wildest dreams and visions